psychology should character education define values we teach students
A good education should include the nurturing of your ability to think critically and to be an active learner. This assignment is designed to put you on the path towards further developing these skills. As you read each side of the issue and grapple with the points made by the authors, you will be moved to consider the merits of each position. In the process you may adopt the point of view of one side or the other, or formulate your own opinion completely your own on the issue. You also may be exposed to your classmates’ and instructors’ ideas on the issue as well. This may further challenge you to reconsider and defend your position, which is the essence of critical thinking and a primary purpose of this assignment.
To receive full credit for this assignment
You will write a 4 pages paper, double-spaced. Late papers will be penalized by 10%. In the paper, you will discuss the evidence on the issues based on the readings, reach a conclusion on the controversy, and explain the reasoning behind your conclusion. Your only sources will be, materials distributed in class, and class discussion.
The papers will be evaluated in terms of:
a) Grasp of the issue and points of view
b) Clear statement of your position based upon the evidence
Body of the Paper
c) A rationale provided to justify your point of view
d) Use of references to provide supporting arguments/evidence
e) Consideration of the opposing point of view and a rebuttal of the opposing arguments
f) Summary of your position and rationale; discussion of implications, applications, or ramifications
Style and Format
g) Accuracy of information, evidence, data
h) Clarity of writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, and form)
i) Proper citation and referencing of information