finite mathmatics 6531029 2

True or False

  1. True or false. If E and F are mutually exclusive, and E and G are mutually exclusive, then F and G are mutually exclusive.
  2. True or false. Suppose it is determined that the probability of obtaining heads in a coin- tossing experiment using a biased coin is 0.51, then the probability of obtaining tails in a toss of the coin is 0.49.
  3. True or false. Suppose = {s1s2, …, sn} is a finite sample space with n outcomes. Then 0 < P(s1) + P(s2) + … + P(sn) < 1.
  4. True or false. P(E) + P(Ec) = 1.
  5. True or false. P(Ec  ∪  Fc) = 1 – P(E    F)
  6. True or false. If A and B are events in an experiment and P(B 0, then .
  7. True or false. .
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