critical infrastructures 1

Critical Infrastructures

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has identified what is determined to be critical infrastructure assets that are designated as potentially being of terrorist interest. Although the final responsibility and mission for protecting those assets and sectors of each remains with the DHS, the initial accountability rests with local ownership and authorities.

The DHS has formulated a National Infrastructure Protection Plan to explain and describe the national responsibility. A very significant majority of the infrastructure elements are under private or corporate ownership and maintenance and must share the bulk of responsibility for protection and security under their own mission plans for security.

Assignment Guidelines


  • Address the following in 3–4 pages:
    • What is the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)?
      • When was it created?
      • Who created it?
      • Why was it created? Explain.
    • How important is the private sector with regard to critical infrastructure protection? Why?
    • What types of strategies can be used for critical infrastructure protection (CIP)?
      • What strengths currently exist in the United States with regard to CIP? Explain.
      • What weaknesses still need to be addressed? Why?
    • How can federal agencies effectively cooperate with private sector organizations? Explain.
      • What types of information should be disseminated to private sector organizations that are responsible for key assets? Explain.
      • What types of information, if any, should be withheld from the private sector? Why?

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